9 January jobs for your garden

11 January 2019

someone in red wellington boots pushing a pitchfork into the ground

The first month of the year might not appear to be a good time to begin working in your garden, but there are a number of jobs you can do to help prepare yours for the warmer months of spring and summer.

To help get you started, here are 9 January jobs for your garden:

  1. Clean your pots and greenhouse to get them ready for spring
  2. Disperse any worm casts you can see on your lawn
  3. This month is the last chance to sow seeds that need frost in order to germinate, such as native tree and shrub seeds as well as alpine plants
  4. If you bought a real tree for Christmas, you can recycle it by shredding it for mulch
  5. Check tree ties and stakes on established plants and replace, tighten or slacken them where necessary
  6. Prune any apple and pear trees you have
  7. Plant lily bulbs in borders during mild spells of weather
  8. Continue to put out food and water for birds
  9. To protect them from wind damage, ornamental vines, ivy, Virginia creeper and Boston ivy can be cut back now, and it’s advisable to keep them away from windows, doors, gutters and roof tiles.