Submit your site using the Site Notification Initial Notice (SNIN) or Major Projects form and register for Buildmark, Buildmark Choice or Buildmark Connect and Building Control (if required).
Read moreSupporting you in building high-quality homes
We have improved the way we manage technical risk. We continue to focus on quality control (finding defects) and quality assurance (preventing defects). Our aim is to reduce the significant costs to the industry of remedial works and to improve overall quality for homeowners.
We have a wealth of historic and current construction quality data, which combined with increased use of technology, is key to the evolution of our approach. We work together with you, on a bespoke site-by-site basis, from pre-construction to post-completion, to help you identify and manage the technical risks effectively. Whilst you remain responsible for meeting the mandatory technical requirements set out in the NHBC Standards, our inspection and technical risk management processes are here to help you.
We inspect homes during construction to check that they are built to a standard we are happy to insure. Our inspections are therefore part of NHBC’s internal risk-management process when deciding whether we will offer NHBC’s warranty and insurance policy. Our inspection process has evolved over the years to meet developments in the industry and regulatory compliance. We carry out key stage inspections and enhanced technical risk management processes. Therefore, by registering your plots with NHBC, you can be confident that our inspection process will help you to achieve high-quality homes.
Submit your site using the Site Notification Initial Notice (SNIN) or Major Projects form and register for Buildmark, Buildmark Choice or Buildmark Connect and Building Control (if required).
Read moreA Technical Building Consultant reviews the site details, sets technical conditions and identifies the technical and construction risks to create the site’s Bespoke Technical Risk Management Plan.
Read moreA Joint Virtual Meeting is then held to agree the final Bespoke Technical Risk Management Plan (copy available in site record book and My NHBC Portal). Further meetings will take place, as required.
Read moreOnce work starts on site, we aim to inspect every plot at key stages of construction. If construction presents additional risks of defects, we will conduct extra risk-based inspections.
Read moreIf all defects and technical conditions have been resolved (and certification received) and a satisfactory pre-handover inspection has been completed, we will issue the warranty release confirmation (formerly known as CML).
Read moreWe work together with you, on a bespoke site-by-site basis, from pre-construction to post-completion to help you identify and manage the technical risks on your sites. Below, we explain some of the key tools we use to support you.
This document records the bespoke approach we will take to mitigate the risks of defects and improve quality across the site. It will highlight risks that might require extra inspections, extra meetings and/or ‘moments in time’ (photographic evidence).
Read moreThese are meetings between the site manager, members of the builder’s technical team and our technical specialists. The attendees and frequency of meetings will vary depending on the complexity of the site.
Read moreApplied to all Key Stage and Risk Based inspections, this is the same scoring we use for Pride in the Job and Construction Quality Reviews. Scores are 1-6 where 4 indicates compliance with NHBC Standards, 1 is very poor and 6 is outstanding work.
Read moreProduced for each Key Stage Inspection and where required, any additional Risk Based Inspection stages, this report will provide photos and commentary, a score of 1-6 and will highlight good practice and defects.
Read moreThis functionality allows you to upload photographs for online inspection or re-inspection by our team, sometimes avoiding the need for an inspection visit.
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