NHBC increases number of accepted MMC systems with Legal & General
6 November 2019

NHBC, the leading warranty and insurance provider for new homes in the UK, has accepted two new MMC systems from Legal & General Modular Homes, bringing the number it now accepts to almost 50.
Following a two-year process and a pilot scheme, Legal & General Modular Homes volumetric house types ‘Enfield’ and ‘Malden’ are now accepted by NHBC.
Design development is currently continuing as Legal & General Modular Homes looks to increase their modular range of products, supported by NHBC providing feedback during the feasibility and detailed design stages.
Modules built at the base are now under production for a site registered with NHBC for 154 new homes for the local area.
Richard Lankshear said: “It is really positive to see the output of two years of detailed design both of the factory process and the system itself. With our in-depth review of the design and product inspection, we have confidence that the Legal & General Modular Homes meet NHBC standards.”
Rosie Toogood, CEO of Legal & General Modular Homes, said: “We are very pleased to have our two newest modular house types achieve the NHBC MMC certification to deliver high-quality new homes for residents. We have brought together a great team from a range of industries; design consulting, automotive, aerospace and construction to develop a fantastic product range and the capability to manufacture thousands of beautiful homes every year.”
Please visit www.nhbc.co.uk/builders/products-and-services/techzone/accepts for further information.
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NHBC Accepts is not an independent accreditation scheme or any form of performance guarantee and third parties should engage with the relevant manufacturer on performance of their product. No documentation, information and advice relating to NHBC Accepts may be adapted, disclosed, or distributed to any third party. NHBC Services Ltd accepts no duty of care and assumes no responsibility to any third party. Any third party who chooses to rely upon an NHBC Accepts certificate (or any documentation, information and advice relating to the NHBC Accepts service) shall do so entirely at their own risk and NHBC Services Ltd accepts no duty of care or liability for any damage or loss, however caused, in connection with the use of or reliance on any documentation, information and advice relating to NHBC Accepts.