NHBC welcomes LoCal Homes and Fusion Steel Framing to NHBC Accepts
5 July 2023

NHBC, the UK’s leading warranty and insurance provider for new homes has welcomed two new panelised building systems to NHBC Accepts; LoCal Homes’ ECO200 timber frame and Fusion Steel Framing’s FusionX™ light gauge steel frame.
NHBC Accepts - endorsed by the Government’s Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) Champion Mark Farmer and recognised by Homes England and UK Finance - enables accelerated assessment of innovative systems used in homes covered by NHBC’s Buildmark warranty, reducing the risk of project delays to the builder.
Systems with the NHBC Accepts logo have been rigorously assessed and demonstrate, subject to appropriate design and installation, that they meet NHBC’s robust standards, giving confidence to developers, investors, lenders and homeowners.
NHBC Techninal Innovation Manager, Chris Hall said: “We know from feedback that once a system is given the NHBC Accepts green light this creates confidence in quality, long-term durability and traceability. We actively assess construction quality both on-site and off-site to verify each system is suitable and acceptable to meet the standards set to obtain our ten-year NHBC Buildmark warranty.
“With demands on the industry to increase the volume of new homes and the simultaneous challenges around materials and skills, we are at a critical stage in the development of MMC. We are proud to be using our scale, expertise and knowledge of traditional house building to work with manufacturers to provide the confidence that innovative systems can meet and sometimes exceed the same high standards of quality and durability as traditionally built homes.”
Even once accepted, NHBC’s Innovation team continue to review quality through factory and site inspections and seek feedback from those working with the system on-site. This knowledge is shared with the owners to help continually improve their system.
Lee Cox, Technical Manager at LoCal Homes said: “We are proud to have our ECO200 system acknowledged and approved by NHBC under their NHBC Accepts Certification. We strive to develop our systems in innovative ways to meet the modern requirements and challenges of today’s construction industry. We aim to give our clients reassurance of quality products and that the system design and manufacture meet current regulations and standards.”
Mike Fairey, Managing Director at Fusion Steel Framing said: “We are delighted to receive endorsement from NHBC Accepts for our FusionX™ light gauge steel frame, as it provides the house-building industry with the confidence to utilise our high quality, rigorously tested off-site system within the construction of new homes. Also, importantly, home buyers will have the assurance of purchasing a new home constructed to meet the exacting standards required to achieve a ten-year NHBC Buildmark warranty.”

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Technical disclaimer
NHBC Accepts is not an independent accreditation scheme or any form of performance guarantee and third parties should engage with the relevant manufacturer on performance of their product. No documentation, information and advice relating to NHBC Accepts may be adapted, disclosed, or distributed to any third party. NHBC Services Ltd accepts no duty of care and assumes no responsibility to any third party. Any third party who chooses to rely upon an NHBC Accepts certificate (or any documentation, information and advice relating to the NHBC Accepts service) shall do so entirely at their own risk and NHBC Services Ltd accepts no duty of care or liability for any damage or loss, however caused, in connection with the use of or reliance on any documentation, information and advice relating to NHBC Accepts.