Climate change
is the challenge of our time and we are taking action.

Our pledge
NHBC is committed to supporting the Government's ambition to achieve net zero carbon by 2050. To this end, we will work with the home building industry to help make the requirements of the Future Homes Standard technically and commercially viable, and ensuring the interests of homeowners are protected. We are also working to deliver positive and lasting change within our own operations to meet the net zero carbon objective ahead of 2050.
Our track record
We have a proven track record of supporting house builders and developers on sustainability and environmental matters. Through the NHBC Foundation we have led the way with research and worked with the house-building industry and government to solve problems together. Our NHBC Standards also have an important role to play in how they influence construction standards and methods.
Our contribution in action
Watch our climate change video to find out more.
Future Homes Standard – let’s work together
Through the Future Homes Task Force NHBC will actively contribute to, and help facilitate, the Future Homes Delivery Hub, which aims to manage the housebuilding sector’s drive to meet environmental targets set by the Government. We believe we must all work together to make real progress on the sustainability agenda, delivering on the requirements laid out in the Future Homes Standard. Read more about the Future Homes Delivery Hub here.
Our direct environmental impact
We have worked hard to minimise our own direct environmental impact. We are proud of our achievements so far, but we are continuing to do more.
Join us on the journey
We are working on more initiatives and will share details of these as soon as we can. In the meantime, you can join us on this journey. Email climatechange@nhbc.co.uk to share your ideas on how we and the wider industry can lessen our impact on the environment and move forward with climate change initiatives that will have the greatest impact.
NHBC Foundation reports which may be of interest
There are many reports on the NHBC Foundation website in this area, the following are the most recent:

Carbon Jargon: A glossary of carbon and energy related terms for the house-building community
Read the report
Plugging into the future
Read the report