Your home is nearly two years old

We wanted to remind you that it has the benefit of the NHBC warranty and insurance policy called Buildmark.

What is a Buildmark Warranty?

Buildmark is our 10-year warranty and insurance cover for new-build homes. It provides cover if the builder becomes insolvent and cannot finish the construction of your home. A two-year builder warranty period backed by NHBC’s Resolution service and guarantee followed by a further eight years of insurance cover against damage caused by defects in specific parts of the property and contaminated land.

In your first two years of the policy

The builder warranty period usually begins at legal completion (of the first purchase of the home) to put right defects and any damage caused by the defect.

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In years three to 10 of the policy

After the builder warranty ends, NHBC provides insurance cover (for damage caused by a defect in certain parts of your home) until the expiry of the policy.

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Your policy booklet and certificate

Your conveyancer should have provided you with an NHBC Buildmark policy booklet and insurance certificate which explains your cover.


Can't find your policy documents?

Download your Buildmark policy documents or request an insurance certificate.


Need to make a claim?

Find out what you should do if you need to make a claim on your Buildmark policy.

Do you have any questions?

If you are not sure what your policy covers or need help making a claim, our frequently asked questions may be useful.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would prefer to speak to someone, call our customer services team or use our live chat.

Customer Services

0344 633 1000

Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm

Homeowner resources and information

Useful guides

Read our guides about common issues with new homes.

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Frequently asked questions

Check out our list of FAQs for homeowners or people looking to buy a new-build or newly-converted home.

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Consumer Codes

Industry-led schemes which give protection and rights to the buyers of new homes, ensuring they are treated fairly and are fully informed about their purchase.

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