Employee Interview

Hear from Melissa Muzenda

“Part of my job is to train new people and I really enjoy meeting them and sharing my knowledge.”

Melissa Muzenda
Job Title
Customer Support Co-ordinator
Customer Services
What does your current role entail?

There are many, various tasks so no two days look the same.  I am involved in setting up warranties, organising site building control amendments to local authorities, registering plots and many other different support type tasks.

How well supported do you feel?

I have always felt very well supported and able to ask colleagues, assistant team leaders, team leaders etc for information and guidance.  Everyone works as a team and is very helpful.  I also feel supported personally which is important to me.

Is there anything you particularly love about your role?

Part of my job is to train new people and I really enjoy meeting them and sharing my knowledge.  I have had training on how to train and I enjoy incorporating what I have learned to make it a better experience for the new people joining the team.

What is the highlight of your time at NHBC?

The team days are a highlight and I particularly enjoy interacting with the team in a different environment and being able to talk about interests outside of work.

What would you say to someone considering a career at NHBC?

I would encourage people to apply because it is a good company to work for with lots of opportunities for people to develop their career should they want to.

What makes NHBC a great place to work?

I personally value the flexibility, the people I work with and being confident in my role.  I like change and NHBC has not stood still since I joined, with new systems and processes to learn – it is especially exciting with the changes our IT development programme promises.

What career opportunities have you had whilst with NHBC?

I have been supported in applying for other roles and although not successful, I have received good feedback that I can learn from.  I am interested in future opportunities, such as technical support where I would be able to build on the technical knowledge I have gained in my career so far.

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