Build Quality Inspections

Additional bespoke inspections for problematic areas or particular build phase for independent review and advice.

people in site safety clothing and hard hats standing on scaffolding while looking at plans

Bespoke inspections on problematic areas

The purpose of our Build Quality Inspection service is to reduce the cost to your business of error and improve the quality of construction for your end customer. If there’s a particular phase of the build that you want independently inspected, possibly for multiple homes being built on a site or across different sites, we can deliver Build Quality Inspections for you.

Examples could include sole plate inspections for timber frame, installation of fire-stopping or cavity barriers, cavity tray installations, roof abutments or parapet wall constructions.

With the data we collect from Construction Quality Reviews, our claims processing and inspection records, we can identify areas where additional focus could improve construction quality and help you avoid the cost of remedial works.

Contact us for more information

If you would like more information, please use the contact form below or call our Construction Quality team.

Construction Quality team

0344 633 1000

Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

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    Complete the webform below and we'll get in touch within three working days.

Construction Quality Services

two people in site safety clothing standing on scaffolding while looking at the development

Construction Quality Reviews

A site-based review of the quality of your construction, identifying strengths, weaknesses and root causes.

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Continuous Improvement Programme

A structured methodology to continuously define, measure, analyse, improve and change problematic build areas.

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people in site safety clothing and hard hats standing on scaffolding while looking at plans

Build Quality Inspections

Additional bespoke inspections for problematic areas or particular build phase for independent review and advice.

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a photo of people in site safety clothing taken on an nhbc immersive day

Immersive Days

Fully interactive quality session on your site(s) looking at trending quality issues or specific focus areas of your choice.

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